Terms of Service By use of this site and its links, visitors agree to these terms, that all information is provided "AS IS" and that: Amazing-Bargains.com does not provide any warranty or guarantee for these offers as to their legitimacy. All offers listed are editorial choices based on content and apparent value to visitors. Visitors agree to hold Amazing-Bargains.com harmless for any and all damages arising out of use of this service and its links. Protect Yourself There are several things you can do to protect yourself when shopping online. Always make sure that the price during checkout reflects the discounts and promotions expected. Print a copy of the confirmation page. If your credit card is charged a different amount, make sure to contest the charge in writing. Advocate Program While we cannot guarantee that your experiences will always be problem-free, we do strive to list only bargains that work and merchants that provide excellent service. If you find an offer that no longer works or is not accurately described, let us know and we'll remove or correct it. If you have a problem with a merchant, please contact the merchant directly. If you're not able to get the problem resolved, let us know. We'll act as a customer advocate and do our best to help get things resolved. Stores that get too many complaints and/or don't resolve complaints will be removed from the site. 
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